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If you want straighter teeth without a mouthful of metal, Invisalign may be the solution.  Dr. Dermack is a silver Invisalign provider. 

Invisalign Q & A

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign is a convenient and versatile way to straighten teeth without the bothersome hardware of braces. Using clear plastic aligner trays made of a flexible material, Invisalign offers adults and teenagers a discreet option for orthodontic treatment.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign treats the same bite and alignment problems as traditional braces, but in a more comfortable and aesthetically appealing way.

First, Dr. Dermack takes precise measurements of your mouth with impressions and photos.  She runs that information through specialized computer software to create a virtual treatment plan just for you.

Then, Invisalign fabricates a series of transparent, customized aligner trays. The trays gently and gradually shift your teeth as you wear them for 20-22 hours a day. Once a tray’s work is done, you move on to a new tray (approximately everyone- two weeks).

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

Using advanced orthodontic technology, Invisalign offers numerous advantages over traditional metal braces. Benefits of Invisalign include:

  • Improved aesthetics due to crystal clear trays that don’t distract from your smile

  • Minimized risk of damage to tooth enamel from metal brackets and wires

  • Increased comfort from smooth plastic trays without sharp edges

  • Faster treatment time — typically 9-16 months as opposed to several years

Since the trays are removable, Invisalign allows you to enjoy the foods you love without interference. This also means you can clean your teeth thoroughly and not have to worry about food getting stuck in your braces.

What should I expect from Invisalign treatment?

The treatment process begins with a thorough dental exam during which Dr. Dermack determines whether you’re a good candidate for Invisalign. She finds that Invisalign is appropriate to treat most cases, from basic cosmetic corrections to complex alignment issues.

Before fitting you for aligner trays, Dr. Dermack makes sure your teeth are healthy and any issues — such as gum disease or tooth decay — are addressed. Then, she takes impressions and photos and uses them to generate an individualized treatment plan.

Once you start using the aligner trays, Dr. Dermack monitors your progress at brief visits every four to six weeks.

To get started on your path to a new, straight smile, call Dr. Dermack or book an appointment online today.

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